Our Misson

To make this society a better place to live. Providing better living condition to those who did are deprived by society.

Spreading awareness of personal hygiene between women, providing basic education to the street children and prepare them for the future, getting the youth back from bad habits...


We have the best brains of dedicated and educated people in the management who are really for the welfare society

We take utmost care in the selection of the right people who have an unfulfilling desire to work for the upliftment of weaker sections of society.


Since 2002 we have a long list of projects which have been successfully completed

We take utmost pride in keeping this mission moving from different areas of society upliftment.

Welcome to Progressive Delhi Society...

what we do

Progressive Delhi Society is a regd. N.G.O. with Govt. of Delhi, India since 2002 year doing work in many fields like social, cultural, literacy, eco. Etc. through awareness programmes event seminars conference surveys, projects, publications etc...


projects undertaken

Progerssive Delhi Society has undertaken a lot of projects for the upliftment of the society...with special emphasis on the girl child eduction, providing education and meals for the homeless street chldren, awareness programmes...


recent activities

Our latest project which is still going on is the spreading of awareness among the poor about various schemes which are available at NGO level. Just because people don't know about these people are not able to take advantage of....


recent programs...

We have been continuously reaching out to the needy and here is a glimpse of the recent programs completed successfully.

January 2014 | Distributed school uniforms to weaker section children at Govt Seconday School, Jehangipuri, New Delhi

January 2014 |Distribution of school bags and stationery to children of weaker section from Govt. Secondary School, Tirlokpuri, New Delhi

January 2014 |Program on self help and personal hygiene for women of weaker section at Nangloi, New Delhi

January 2014 | Awareness Program the effects of smoking and drinking for men of weaker section at Nangloi, New Delhi

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